ファン必見 大型洋書 入手困難 スタンリーキューブリックのアーカイブ「2005 The Stanley Kubrick Archives」CD+フィルムストリップ付き
The Stanley Kubrick Archives Taschen 2005 CD&70mmフィルムストリップ付きです。 外箱のハンドル破損してます。それ以外は目立った傷とか破れとかありません。 貴重なモノらしいので私よりお好きな方に所有して欲しく出品します。 大きくて重いです。 外箱サイズ34x49x7cmで6.4kgです。
The Stanley Kubrick Archives Taschen 2005 CD & 70mm film strip included. The handle of the outer box is damaged. Other than that, there are no noticeable scratches or tears. It seems to be a valuable item, so I am selling it in the hope that it will be owned by someone who likes it more than me. It's big and heavy. The outer box size is 34x49x7cm and weighs 6.4kg.
The Stanley Kubrick Archives Taschen 2005 CD & 70mm film strip included. The handle of the outer box is damaged. Other than that, there are no noticeable scratches or tears. It seems to be a valuable item, so I am selling it in the hope that it will be owned by someone who likes it more than me. It's big and heavy. The outer box size is 34x49x7cm and weighs 6.4kg.